Local & Global Missions

We are passionate about making Disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing the Gospel with as many people as we can both locally and globally. We do this through the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) in obedience to the clear Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). 


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Local Missions

Our church desires to invest in local ministries and organizations that help fill the gap for people in need in our community. Our approach is to form long-term relationships, where we can invest financial resources and create opportunities for our church body to serve and share the love of Jesus.

At the present time we support:

     •  Arkansas Valley Pregnancy Center

     •  Camp Salvation (a teen camp dedicated to discipling teens)

     •  Our own local outreaches (see Local Outreaches)

Global Missions

The life-changing message of Jesus Christ is intended for a worldwide audience. Our purpose is to impact nations by equipping believers to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19.) We partner with ministries in other parts of the world by sending our own people to serve as Missionaries,  to give financial support and provide other resources as God enables us. 

At the present time we support long-term missionaries in:


    •  India — Thompson Smith

    •  Indonesia — Sam & Linda Marlowe (Wycliff Bible     

    •  Kenya — Denny & Sue (last name withheld)

    •  Uganda - Peter & Kate (Pioneers)  

    •  University of Wyoming/Oaks International - Garrett & Emily Schlegel